A companion to the best-selling Corporate Takeover series, Candi's Tale follows millionaire internet mogul Bill Sadler's transformation into the voluptuous and vapid Candi. After his affair with an employee's wife is discovered, Bill finds himself in the hands of the Janus Institute. His womanizin...
A companion to the best-selling Corporate Takeover series, Candi’s Tale follows millionaire internet mogul Bill Sadler’s transformation into the voluptuous and vapid Candi.
After his affair with an employee’s wife is discovered, Bill finds himself in the hands of the Janus Institute. His womanizing ways have defined him in the past, and now he will find that the very type of woman he treated as objects will be his fate!
In Part One, Bill’s process of feminization begins, his body and thoughts shaped to fit the image of a blond bimbo. Now matter how he fights the compulsion to dress and act like a wanton slut, the urges are undeniable. Before his time is done, he’ll find himself on his hands and knees, accepting anything put in front of him!