After Brian's run-in with a sly genie, he finds himself in the body of Bryce, the newest genie to inhabit the magical lamp. The newest genie discovers that there is a world beyond the confines of her prison, and finds herself faced with new temptations, all designed to steal the genie and make her i...
After Brian’s run-in with a sly genie, he finds himself in the body of Bryce, the newest genie to inhabit the magical lamp. The newest genie discovers that there is a world beyond the confines of her prison, and finds herself faced with new temptations, all designed to steal the genie and make her into something new, whether it’s a neko, doll or maybe the dearest fantasy of all!
This nearly-9000 word companion story features erotic transformations and steamy sex that you’ll find just as tempting as the hapless genie!